Certified Bouncer

This course is intended to provide bouncers with knowledge and skills required to carry out their work.

Bouncers may be employed at licensed or sanctioned venues such as bars, nightclubs, casinos, hotels, billiard halls, restaurants, sporting events, schools, concerts, racing events, movie theatres, theme parks, which may involve crowd control and the prevention of crime. They may also be required to escort persons carrying small amounts of cash and/or valuables.

This certification provides the applicant with the knowledge and skills to be able to carry out his duties in a safe and responsible manner with due regards to complying with law and the safety of persons and property.


Who should get this certification: This course is intended to provide bouncers with knowledge and skills required to carry out their work.

Admission requirements:: The candidate must demonstrate good knowledge and experience in security operations. Security officers of SS and above. The Board may prescribe attendance at a compulsory course as part of the admission requirements. Applicants should undergo clearance by PLRD (MHA), also be registerable under PLRD for this course.

CPD Requirements:: 10 points (6 for renewal). The Board may prescribe attendance at a compulsory course as part of the renewal requirements.